#!/bin/sh # This file runs when a DM logs you into a graphical session. # If you use startx/xinit like a Chad, this file will also be sourced. xrandr --dpi 80 # Set DPI. User may want to use a larger number for larger screens. setbg & # set the background with the `setbg` script xrdb ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/x11/xresources & # Uncomment to use Xresources colors/settings on startup # dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session; pulseaudio --kill; pipewire& mpd & # music player daemon-you might prefer it as a service though nohup mpd-update & mpdscribble & # scribble to last.fm and libre.fm remaps & # run the remaps script, switching caps/esc and more; check it for more info # xcompmgr & # xcompmgr for transparency picom --experimental-backends & # picom for transparency, fade and vsync dunst & # dunst for notifications xset r rate 300 50 & # Speed xrate up unclutter & # Remove mouse when idle # This line autostarts an instance of Pulseaudio that does not exit on idle. # This is "necessary" on Artix due to a current bug between PA and # Chromium-based browsers where they fail to start PA and use dummy output. pidof -s runit && ! pidof -s pulseaudio >/dev/null 2>&1 && setsid -f pulseaudio --start --exit-idle-time=-1 >/dev/null 2>&1